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V-Energy drink WebGL mobile game

To bolster the visibility of the V energy drink Frucor enlisted the expertise of Colenso Auckland to devise a high-octane, WebGL-powered mobile skydiving game and competition platform. As a UX designer for this project, I recognised the crucial role that engaging gameplay would feature in the overall success of the campaign. With this understanding, we initiated prototyping early in the project lifecycle, placing a significant emphasis on making the gameplay fun, a strategic decision that served as the backbone of our UX approach. We adopted an iterative approach to development, running numerous brief sprints that allowed us to swiftly refine user stories through rapid prototyping. This early hands-on experience with the game, both on-screen and in-browser, provided invaluable insights for testing, learning, and implementing substantial gameplay enhancements.

To guarantee a frictionless customer journey between a physical can on a store shelf and a virtual game in a consumer's hand we wrote a simple code-on-can user journey to track gameplay and server load. Eliminating the need for any app store visits the UX design was was focused on maximising user engagement while reinforcing the brand's image in an exciting, interactive manner.

User journey for four entry points
Landing, entry and prize draw pages
Landing page with game entry mechanic
Gameplay results entries on returning player
Sample of gameplay
Game practise results landing page driving entry to game
Entries won for each prize draw
Prizes display page for new user
Landing page pre-launch
Falling a sheep?

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