RBA logo

Persona development and UX design

The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) needed to overhaul it's homepage as research had shown it was not connecting with the wider Australian public. In my capacity as the UX research specialist, I was involved in conducting interviews, facilitating design feedback sessions and synthesising these into fictional personas which were translated into user requirements, stories and wireframes. My involvement in the redesign process was instrumental in comprehending the needs of the Bank's community and their views on the existing homepage. This comprehension played a critical role in ensuring that the new homepage would effectively cater to the requirements of it’s diverse user base.From these insights we were able to generate draft homepage designs, which were tested and further refined to enhance the IA strategy for the homepage's revamp.


Presentation from stakeholder kick-off workshop
Presentation from stakeholder kick-off workshop
Notes from user research participant interviews
User-centred design process presentation
User-centred design process presentation
User grouping structure for recruitment weighting
Personas identified from interview synthesis
Personas identified from interview synthesis
Wirefame for homepage
Former homepage

Redesigned homepage

Pearson logo

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